
Showing posts from September, 2023

Last Light

Last Light Chapter 1 Scene 1: Ada awoke to the harsh beeping of her alarm, the sterile white lights flickering on in her sparse quarters. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up on the thin, scratchy blanket that covered her narrow bunk, letting out a weary sigh. Her gaze fell on the faded photograph on her bedside table, the smiling face of her father looking back at her. "Another day in the void," she murmured, reaching out to brush her fingers over the picture. She missed his steadying presence, especially now with the weight of leadership resting heavily on her shoulders. Swinging her legs off the bunk, Ada stood and straightened her rumpled uniform, the dark blue material faded and worn at the seams. She splashed cold water on her face from the tiny metal sink, then ran damp fingers through her dark hair to smooth it into a bun. The image of her father stayed with her as she went through the familiar routines. What would he say to her now if he were here? She could